Academic adventures at Ashbrooke
Pupils from Ashbrooke School commenced the new academic year with voluntary work as part of the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award and welcomed new classmates with open arms.
In DofE, the group have been progressing with their bronze award project as they teamed up with a local charity ICOS (International Community Organisation of Sunderland) to help tidy up their local park. The aim of the charity is to help raise funds for people in need.
They rolled up their sleeves to take part in some weeding, clearing of leaves and picking up of litter, as well as collecting a few new conkers which had recently fallen from the horse chestnut trees.
The local community were delighted with the outstanding results, making comments about how grateful they were for their hard work.
Teacher, Leanne Kenny commented:
"The students have been really focussed, hardworking and have shown the utmost effort and respect to the charity we have worked with, and the locals who we have encountered in the park."
DofE pupil, Jenny commented:
I have really enjoyed carrying out my volunteering work in the park. It’s been so nice to get out in the fresh air and see the work we have carried out in the park get noticed."
Great teamwork!

Lindisfarne Class
Year 6 pupils Romani, Kate and Tyler from Lindisfarne Class have settled into their new surroundings, getting engrossed in lessons and enjoying some hands-on learning.
In topic they have been learning about mountain formations and re-created these using bread, they also engaged in a Forest School activity, conducting a Scavenger Hunt, and enjoyed some Spanish cuisine as part of their European Language Day.
It certainly has been a great start to their new academic year, with more exciting adventures to look forward to.
Well done everyone.