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Wendy’s Story
“Wendy is a lovely girl who is growing in confidence and happily engages in a full range activities.”
Wendy’s Story
Wendy moved to Cumbria View Children’s Home after her foster placement broke down. The frustrated young girl was diagnosed with ADHD and as she found it difficult to articulate her thoughts and feelings, she would display challenging behaviours, which often got her into trouble at school and a number of fixed term exclusions. It was during a short term emergency placement that Cumbria View Children’s Home was identified as the perfect environment for her, with its history of success and a staff team of high experience.
After arriving at Cumbria View, the first step in supporting Wendy was identifying that the medication that she was taking for her ADHD was not appropriate for her age, and after consulting CAMHS the medication was changed. The second step in the process in supporting her to overcome barriers was to work with the homes Mental Health Practitioner, Assistant Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and for school staff to plan strategies that would give her the stability and support she needed.
Over time with the positive behaviour support plan implemented by staff, and the change in medication, Wendy’s behaviour improved and she was able to manage her frustrations in a more appropriate way and learn new ways to express her emotions. Her new found ability to manage her behaviours enabled her to thrive in her new life at Cumbria View and at school
In school, Wendy now has excellent attendance levels, with no fixed term exclusions, which has allowed her to focus on learning and gradually progress in her studies. Wendy is now a far cry from the aggressive young girl that arrived at Cumbria View, she is a lovely girl who is growing in confidence and happily engages in a full range activities, showing that with right support, environment and self-belief anything is possible.