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Owen’s Story
“In class, he independently engages in learning and as a result, is exceeding expected progress and closing the gap on his age expected attainment”
Chilworth House School
Owen’s Story
Owen arrived at Chilworth House Lower School having had a difficult experience in his previous mainstream school. He had become reluctant to engage in learning and his frustrations had led to him becoming aggressive towards staff and as a result, he had been placed on a reduced timetable. This had a negative impact on his family life too as the behaviours displayed at school quickly became the norm at home which limited the types of activities they could enjoy together.
Upon joining Chilworth, staff assessed Owen and it was widely acknowledged that he was a bright, caring and energetic boy who had the potential to meet age expectations socially and academically. With the support of the occupational therapist, pastoral care team and Owen’s key worker, strategies were put in place to enable him to manage his frustrations, reflect on his behaviour and learn more appropriate ways to communicate his needs.
As a result of the interventions and a wide range of support, Owen is now thriving. The number and intensity of his outbursts have significantly reduced and he is able to regulate his behaviour in a range of situations. In class, he independently engages in learning and as a result is exceeding expected progress and closing the gap on his age expected attainment.
The Owen that joined us has also learnt to believe in himself and is now able to take part in a wide range of activities in and out of school, such as football, Taekwondo and Cubs. As for his family, they are now able to enjoy activities and there are no limitations to where they can go!