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Mia's Story
“The aggressive young girl that willingly took risks now enjoys the great outdoors and aspires to be a fire fighter.”
Mia's Story
We all take calculated risks now and again but imagine if they were to the detriment of yourself and others around you. Young Mia took risks a little too often and as her missing from home spells increased so did her challenging behaviours towards the people that wanted the best for her, her carers. After a very long and agonising period, the decision was made for her to be placed at Grange Lodge Children’s Home so that she could receive the right level of support to meet her needs.
It was clear from taking her first steps into the home that Mia needed the right guidance to unleash her potential that could lead to her having a future full of promise. Staff introduced clear boundaries and took time to help her to understand the importance of staying safe. With a positive rewards system in place to celebrate her achievements, the foundations were set for her new life
Mia now focuses on and appreciates the importance of education and thoroughly enjoys her days at the learning centre, where for the first time in a very long time she has sustained solid friendships. The aggressive young girl that willingly took risks now enjoys the great outdoors and aspires to be a fire fighter, a role she will indeed attain and excel in