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Mark's Story
“He has high aspirations for the future and has already visited a potential university that specialises in an area he would love to have a career in – astrophysics; a role we’re sure he’ll shine in”
Hall Cliffe School
Mark's Story
It was said that Mark didn’t like school. He found the mainstream environment a challenging one where he was frustrated and unable to manage his anxiety. He was only accessing education on a reduced timetable for two hours a day and on a 1:1 basis with the staff. Mark had no social interaction with peers resulting in him being unable to make friends in school and at home. However, the reality was that Mark wasn’t poorly behaved, he just couldn’t access learning in a challenging environment.
On arrival at Hall Cliffe School, it was evident through our assessments that Mark was a very bright and able pupil. However, he was reluctant to engage with his peers and unconvinced that he needed to access the variety of subjects on offer. He also relied very heavily on his 1:1 support to enable him to engage in learning.
We couldn’t see Mark’s potential wasted and so we implemented our integrated support. Mark gradually began to access more of the curriculum and realised he had hidden talents in areas unrelated to Maths and English. His newfound confidence meant he began to attend tutor sessions, opted for enrichment activities and began developing and sustaining friendships.
Mark’s wonderful personality has now shone through and he can often be seen with a cheeky smile on his face. He has high aspirations for the future and has already visited a potential university that specialises in an area he would love to have a career in – astrophysics; a role we’re sure he’ll shine in.