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Kylie's Story
“The staff team enjoy watching Kylie blossom into a confident young lady who will achieve her goals and ambitions.”
Kylie's Story
Kylie took the role of decision maker at home where she lived with her mum who had mental health problems. The young girl was controlling the household dictating who slept where and what time and often displaying aggressive behaviours to further cement her rule at home. She did as she pleased, refusing to attend school and finding solace in playing on video consoles all day and night. After nearly a year of missing school Kylie was placed on a full care order and the decision was made that Lakeland House Children’s Home could help to provide this young girl with the right home environment and life opportunities to release her full potential.
Staff at the home could see that Kylie was crying out for some consistency and so work began to introduce her to a routine and boundaries. Staff also took part in training to understand Kylie’s communication and comprehension difficulties so that they could support the young girl with ease and tailor her care to meet her complex needs; this truly has been invaluable.
Although confident at home with her mum, Kylie’s vulnerabilities started to show as she was very unsure of herself in her new home and displayed little confidence. Recognising this a barrier to her development, speech and language therapists worked with her to build her communication skills and therapy sessions were introduced to encourage Kylie to deal with her emotions and feelings in a more appropriate way. All this much needed support helped her to become more assertive resulting in her being able to navigate her way through her local community, building healthy friendships at home and school.
The girl that refused to attend school now enjoys accessing learning and is making good progress where she is a much loved member of the school community. The once defiant young girl is enjoying her childhood thanks to the supportive members of staff who enjoy watching her blossom into a confident young lady who will achieve her goals and ambition