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Elijah’s Story
“Elijah has now transitioned into a local school where he has friends and a thirst for learning."
Elijah’s Story
Six year old Elijah became known to social care due to his chaotic home life where he witnessed domestic violence, experienced emotional abuse and was exposed to adults around him misusing drugs. These very unfortunate circumstances caused Elijah to emulate the behaviours he was exposed to in the classroom environment, which resulted in the confused little boy being excluded from school.
Elijah subsequently was placed in foster care and after four placement breakdowns, Meadow View, a fully integrated, therapeutic, care and education provision, was identified as a safe place where his needs could be met and a fresh new start offered.
Elijah arrived as a very angry little boy with no ability to self-regulate and a determination not to stay. He would attempt to leave but to no avail. Staff at the home could see that this little boy just needed what every child his age needs; care, attention and clear boundaries. With a tailored plan put into place and access to therapy and support from staff at the learning centre and home, Elijah had the best possible foundation where opportunities that were not accessible to him previously, were presented
During three years at Meadow View, Elijah grew strong relationships with the staff team and essentially learned how to be happy. During his remarkable time at the home, it was identified that Elijah could live with his Nan and so the planning started 12 months ahead of him leaving, where staff supported the transition to give them both the confidence and skills to sustain a solid relationship.
Fast forward to now and you will find Elijah enjoying his time with his Nan and he has transitioned into a local school where he has friends, a thirst for learning and, perhaps the cherry on the top, a loving home to return to every single day.