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Ed's Story
“Ed’s communication and contact with his beloved parents improved and perhaps the most noticeable difference in him
was his growth in confidence and self-esteem.”
Ed's Story
Imagine feeling frustrated and unable to articulate your thoughts and feelings to the adults around you. For young Ed this was his reality and the only way he knew how to share his frustrations was to display volatile and extreme behaviours, putting himself and his parents at risk. After multiple primary school break downs and a short stay at a residential placement it was decided that Ed needed a specialist setting and so he found himself at The Birches Children’s Home.
As soon as staff from The Birches met Ed they saw a young man who had great potential to succeed and agreed unanimously that all he needed was encouragement, support and experiences in equal measure. Boundaries were put in place and rewards systems agreed to allow him to start his journey at the home, a journey that quickly saw Ed blossom.
Through the rewards system, staff were able to identify his love of football and this golden nugget of information was shared with staff at the school who saw the benefits of incorporating it into lessons; Ed’s increased engagement and enthusiasm in lessons was palpable. His communication and contact with his beloved parents improved and perhaps the most noticeable difference in him was his growth in confidence and self-esteem.
Now you will find a boy who is resilient and smiles ear to ear. He has integrated into the local community, carrying out work experience and enjoying the amenities in abundance. The confident young man recently completed his GCSE exams obtaining the grades needed to attend a local college, where he hopes to qualify in motor mechanics.