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Claire’s Story
“Claire’s become more comfortable in who she is and her increase in confidence has contributed to her trying new
ventures and activities.”
Claire’s Story
Claire needed to be in control and at times when this was taken away from her she would become angry, violent and ultimately out of control.
After multiple placement breakdowns it was decided that The Grange Children’s Homes’ expertise and unique offer was Claire’s best next step. On arrival at the home, boundaries, expectations and structures were put in place. Although Claire attempted to defy the rules, she came to realise that this team of professionals were not going to give up on her, they were going to challenge her to become better and most importantly, lift her by celebrating achievements; big or small.
Her dual heritage and cultural identity was a starting point for staff to support Claire which has proven to be a key element to the progress that she has made today. She has become more comfortable in who she is and her increase in confidence has contributed to her trying new ventures and activities, such as swimming, gym classes, rugby and horse riding. With the help and support of staff Claire was introduced to her birth father, which has helped her to recognise and celebrate her dual heritage. As their relationship grows so has her emotional wellbeing and self-worth.
The collaboration between the education, therapy and care teams continues to offer bespoke support, both emotionally and physically for Claire, and plays a big part in her feeling safe and settled, thus allowing her to concentrate on her journey into becoming a young woman who will no doubt achieve all her ambitions