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Chris's Story
“Chris is well on the way to achieving his aspiration in life of joining the army.”
Chris's Story
Prior to joining Cumbria View Children’s Home, Chris struggled after suffering a breakdown of key relationships, changing from a long term foster placement to a new placement. This caused his behaviour to become more challenging, getting involved in high risk activities and becoming aggressive towards his carers. His behaviour also had a considerable effect on his education and his place in mainstream school was becoming untenable.
Cumbria View staff quickly recognised that Chris required an environment where he had consistent boundaries to help him feel safe and offered him the support required, with appreciation to the trauma Chris had previously suffered.
Working alongside the home’s Mental Health Practitioner, staff were able to support Chris and help him settle into his new home at Cumbria View. Regular therapy sessions improved his emotional wellbeing, helping Chris overcome his challenges. Chris was also placed into a local specialist school, Oversands, where the smaller class sizes helped him flourish and achieve his potential.
Chris is now thriving at Cumbria View and is making fantastic progress. Academically, Chris’s confidence has grown greatly, he is showing fantastic potential, being placed in the year group above his age, which ensures he is challenged daily in his school work. Chris was proud to be named captain of the school’s football team, which is a great achievement for him. He also joined the local army cadets, which has helped him flourish socially, developing friendships and experiencing new activities. Chris has now developed into an intelligent and determined young boy and is already well on the way to achieving his aspiration in life of joining the army.