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Chelsea's Story
“Chelsea has grown beyond expectation and proves that with the right level of support and encouragement the sky is truly the limit."
Chelsea's Story
Chelsea’s difficult life experiences bought her to the door of Hollygreen Children’s Home. The frustrated girl struggled to settle in her previous residential home and was known to pose a significant risk to herself and others around. She struggled to build any form of relationship and her lack of interest in education meant that she had poor attendance and there was no chance of her ever reaching any academic milestone.
On arrival at Hollygreen, staff welcomed her into her new home and worked with Chelsea so that she could feel part of the team. She was given a voice for the first time and her contribution to her Positive Behaviour Support Plan meant that she could express how she deals with frustrations and annoyances. With a clear understanding of her needs staff and Chelsea worked together to ensure her plan was followed through.
An agreed strategy that works for Chelsea till this day is writing down how she feels if she is struggling or in need of support, allowing her to express her thoughts, concerns and anxieties through notes that staff can receive via a post box that sits in her bedroom. In addition to this, Chelsea accesses therapy on a weekly basis allowing her to use another mode of expression so that she is supported to grow and develop into an independent girl.
Her academic achievements that were non-existent quickly became a priority for Chelsea and her attendance record of 100% has been maintained throughout. This is demonstrated in her selfless charity work too where she has raised hundreds of pounds. She also enjoys a great social life in the home and she recently joined a club and has horse riding lessons to broaden her interests.
Chelsea joined Hollygreen with no confidence and engaging with people and education was not of interest to her as her. However, skip to her present and well, she is thriving; she works on building and maintaining relationships and school is a safe place where she excels.
Chelsea has grown beyond expectation and proves that with the right level of support and encouragement the sky is truly the limit for this inspiring young lady who makes the staff team at Hollygreen very proud.