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Supporting Young Women & Girls with ADHD and Autism

Discover webinars hosted by experts focused on supporting parents and carers of young women and girls.

ADHD & Girls Part 1

Colin Foley, National Training Director for the ADHD Foundation presents a two-part webinar on 'ADHD & Girls.' He offers advice and support to parents and carers.

In part 1 he covers: 

  • Identifying ADHD in girls and young women
  • ADHD and comorbidity
  • Supporting girls and young women with ADHD

ADHD & Girls Part 2

Colin Foley, National Training Director for the ADHD Foundation presents a two-part webinar on 'ADHD & Girls.' He offers advice and support to parents and carers.

In part 2, Colin focuses on:  

  • Supporting self-regulation
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Strategies to support self-management

Autism & Girls Part 1

Anne-Marie Harrison from Ideas Afresh Education presents ‘Autism & Girls’. The webinar provides practical advice to parents and carers supporting girls with ASD and associated needs, looking at the different presentations of autism in girls and support strategies.

Autism & Girls Part 2

Anne-Marie Harrison from Ideas Afresh Education presents ‘Autism & Girls Part 2’. The webinar follows part 1 and offers practical advice around supporting girls with ASD.

Autism, Girls & Masking

Anne-Marie Harrison from Ideas Afresh Education presents ‘Autism, Girls & Masking.' The webinar explores:

• What is masking and why do girls mask?
• What are the signs a child is masking?
• Strategies to support and help your child find their path